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Horse owners with dusty, brown pastures can take simple steps to keep their horses healthy and preserve their land for when rain does finally fall.

Despite the lack of fresh grass, horse owners in drought-stricken areas still need to ensure their animals are consuming at least 1.5% of their bodyweight in forage every day. Consumption of grass, hay, and other forage fulfills both physical and psychological needs.

If quality hay is hard to find, consider alternative forage forms, such as chaff, hay cubes, or a feed that is high in fiber.

Keep horses off unproductive pastures to prevent overgrazing and damaging the soil, which can prolong the time it takes to get pastures back once rainfall returns. Use rotational grazing and a drylot system to avoid overtaxing stressed areas. When grass isn’t available, resist the urge to increase  concentrate meals; instead, look to hay or other forms of forage.

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